Feedback from peace week- Perugia

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Healing is possible only by constant dialog, breaking physical and mental barriers, confronting very hard truth, knowledge and understanding and that every person is responsible, us citizens of a conflict area, but each one living in the global international community. Leaders and the Israeli government specially is stuck within its own fears and violence. It […]

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Healing is possible only by constant dialog, breaking physical and mental barriers, confronting very hard truth, knowledge and understanding and that every person is responsible, us citizens of a conflict area, but each one living in the global international community. Leaders and the Israeli government specially is stuck within its own fears and violence. It needs us- civilians from in side and from out side- to help. And we are able.
This whole week, with the international assembly ending it, made all this words to be more clear and strong in side me, with all the strength and support I felt from the other participant.
The three day assembly in Perugia was very interesting, again specially because of meeting so many human right workers, it was very fulfilling.
The organization of the assembly was absolutely amazing. I have no other word to describe it. It made me believe in the possibility of big things to happen in a meaningful and straight way.
I was very moved from the speakers and learned so much. More than I would ever read in books or see in television/news.Hear too I prepared to say many things, but there were so many speakers from this little land, and were all hurried to live some space for the others, until the last second I erased words that has been spoken.
I felt, though, the importance of talking of the different voice women are able to have in a dialog that has come to a dead end mainly because it is based on military solutions and reactions,  and how hard it is to do so in a place that silence different voices in so many psychological and sociological ways. I emphasize the  ability of every sole and organizations (made by soles) for change, and the role so, of the international community in helping this voices flood upon the surface, reach as much people and bodies as possible, and of curs- In pressurizing the Israeli government.
I would like to express my deep appreciation for having the opportunity to be part of such strong and meaningful experience which made my confidence in people, healing and my self stronger. I still have a little contact with some of the participant, and that is not obvious, for example for me, as a Israeli woman, with Iraqi almost forgotten roots, to have contact with an Iraqi man and that we share opinions about the world and specially people. For me it is very significant.
Along the other memories I will cherish in me, as the march, the speeches, the meetings and mostly- the people.
All the best
Lisa Kronberg
member of the “bat shalom” peace organization

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