International Day of Human Rights – "Vignette dal Mondo per i Diritti Umani"

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Giornata Internazionale dei Diritti Umani

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On the occasion of  the International Day of Human Rights, the Department for Rights and Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Italy is honoured to invite you to the two-days event,  from 10 till 11 december,
"Vignette dal Mondo per i Diritti Umani", international cartoonists' exhibition and seminars. The Press Conference will be held at Auditorium Parco della Musica
Viale Pietro De Coubertin on 10thDecember 2007  at 12.00 a.m, while the seminar will take place at Palazzo Marini, Sala delle Conferenze, Via del Pozzetto 158, at 15.00 p.m. The last public debate is organised at "La Sapienza" University,Sala Odeion of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy on 11th December 2007 at 10.00 a.m.


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